We are the 147th Derby (3rd Ockbrook & Borrowash Scout Group). Here you will find some basic information about the group. If you need to know anything else, please do get in touch with me (the contact form is near the bottom of the page), or use the links below to connect the specific sections within our group.
Yours in Scouting
Nigel "Bosun" Tattersall
Group Scout Leader
Our Beaver colony meets at our headquarters on a Friday evening, 17:30 - 18:30.
Leader in Charge
Julie "Grey Beaver" Tattersall
Our Dove Pack Cubs meet at our headquarters on a Monday evening, 18:45 - 20:15
Leader in Charge
Patience "Gunner" Allen
Our Scout troop meet at our headquarters on a Tuesday evening, 19:00 - 20:45
Leader in Charge
Tracy "Pyro" Salt
Our official address is: 67a Kimberley Road, Borrowash, Derby DE72 3GE.
The headquarters building is located at the end of the drive way between numbers 67 and 69.